
My 10 Favourite Series/ Movies To Watch In Lockdown

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This Dystopian series is based on the book by Margaret Atwood, featureing a totalitarian society in what used to be part of the United States. You may have heard people drawing comparisons between Gilead (where this tale is basesd) and Alabama when they tried to make abortion illegal in 2019, Which should give you a bit of context as to the role women play in this series. They are held prisoner in a fascist state and told their worth is solely based on their fertility.

I love Horror movies but found some of this hard to watch- it’s truely chilling! Because many of the horrors portrayed in Atwood's futuristic story have either taken place or are still occurring in many parts of the world. But such important vieiwing, i think every girl over the age of 18 should watch it.

This is my favourite screen adaptaion of a book. The acting is phenomanel (Elizabeth Moss, just wow) the subtext is so culteraly relevant and it also has a really cool sound track!

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Well firstly, Bryan Cransten transition from the goofy dad in Macolm in the middle to Walter “i am the danger” White is a thing of magic. He actually scraed me. Hal!

My boyfriend often complains that i won’t give a series long enough to develop before i discard it. He says opening episodes are laying the foundations of the story lines. He says they’re building character. He asks me what i would need to see to be instantly invested in a series.

umm how about a torrential downpour of blood and body parts seeping through the bathroom ceiling where a body has been improperly disolved in a bath tub- is that too much to ask for?!? Sorry for the spoiler alert, but as i mentioned this happens very early on in series 1. I’ve been hooked ever since.

Guts and gore aside the acting and characters in this are another level. So compelling you could imagine any one of them getting their own spinoff (though the sole spinoff went rightly to the flamboyant and colourful criminal lawyer Saul Goodman).

Best show ever. Enough said.

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I love shark movies. What’s better than snuggling up on the sofa whilst watching someone get chomped by a big ol’ killing machine? I could happily have done a blog on my 10 favourite shark movies but maybe that’s something for later in lockdown. For now, this is the one i would most highly recommend watching. Not a lot to dissect, just your basic stuck in water and uh oh there is a great white shark (or more..) scenario. But well worth getting your teeth stuck into, trust me!

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Though the subject matter of this film is not that orginal (Juiced, Menace II Society and Straigh Outta Compton are some of my favourites that are very similair in plot) the way in which the story is told is completely unique and compelling. It’s hard to belive this was John Singletons debut movie, any seasoned director would be thrilled to have come up with this masterpiece. Also Ice Cubes debut acting role, and he is utterly captivating in his character, that carries much of the dramatic force of the movie.

I made my younger brother watch it to better understand the prejudice that young black males did and sadly still do face.

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Really good british series about corruption within the police force.

I intailly wasn’t sold on the casting as i found the main character played Martin Compston a tad irritating, but i think that is the role he’s playing as the whole premise is about exposing corrupt police officers which is inherintly a good thing, but he does come off as just a little bit too much of an annoying do gooder. Maybe i just like to root for the bad guys.

This spans 5 series and series 4 which has Thandie Newton in it, is really something else. Proper edge of your seat, nail biting viewing!

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As mentioned before, i am a BIG fan of everything gory/scary/bitey. I’ve always loved Zombie movies and when i discovered this series i don’t think i left my room for a good 8 hours. The first season was up there with one of the best opening series of any tv show i’ve seen (rivalled only by Breaking Bad) and if the notion of a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world is not a thrilling enough prospect for you then maybe you will enjoy the fact that it is directed by Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The green Mile).

It can be slow at times but also serves some of the most heart racing moments seen on modern TV. That being said, it does not retain the same momentum of the early series throughout, and the later ones were just ridiculous. I guess there are only so many plot twist you can explore that involve killing zombies or being eaten by zombies (though around series 3 the role of most threatening preadator shifted from zombies to fellow survivors that the main protaginists encountered, and that was very entertaining.)

Ever since i finished watching this i searched far and wide for a Zombie series or movie that would live up to the intial gory glory of this series. Finally i caved and reatched season 1- It is unrivalled.

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A bit of light hearted fun for lockdown. A reminder that things could always be worse.

Also credit to jigsaw as a killer- he is a creative genius.

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This book was one of my favourites and i wondered how effectively the series could translate the instensity of the pages to screen, as it is all written in first person talking directly to the reader, YOU are instantly sucked into the creepy world of Joe Goldburg, part time book shop worker, part time seria killer.

But the answer is- very well. The series exceeded all my expactions and more. Initial reservations about Dan Humprhey fromm gossip girl playing Joe were instantly put aside when i saw how he possesed all the charming, chilling, charisma of Goldberg. I would definately be lured to his book shop and subsequently killed by him, he’s that likable (on the surface).

Eagerly awaiting the third season of this and the third novel by Caroline Kepness, not even sure which i am more excited for!

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If you like hunger games then this is the more intense adult version that clearly inspired the trilogy.  Hunger games author Suzanne Collins denied her book series was inspired by this but if you’ve read her books/ watched this film, it’s very apparent that some kind of inspo was taken from this concept!

Or maybe they just both stumbled across the idea of a bunch of kids fighting to the death. Must be quite a common thought.

what sets this movie apart from HG is gallons more blood and violence. No surprise then that this is Quentin Tarantinos favourite film! It’s in subtitles which you quickly acclimatise to- apparently violence is a universal language.

Not for the faint hearted!

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Freddy Kruger is my dream killer. And fashion icon. Stripes and a fedora hat are always a winnng combination.

There are not many things i love more than an 80s horror film and this one does not dissapoint. Written and directed by Wes Craven, a firm favourite director of mine, who also did Scream and the Hills Have Eyes, this is a horror classic that also spawned a motif that would endure for decades on: the surreal and the terrifying intrusion upon the everyday.

The entire production is superbly crafted. The narrative is composed of typical slasher tropes, i.e. the Final Girl, however as with Scream, this movies is a self-aware horror commentary on American life and wondefully blurs the lines between fantasy and reality, and who doesn’t need a bit of that in lockdown!

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